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Pet Styles by CJ pawlicies
Pet Styles

Client Requirements and Pawlicies

I never want my passion for pampering dogs to become a "job". To avoid this, I am very selective on the clients I take on.  A little background on why this is.
Most grooming shops or "salons" have multiple groomers.  In order for the business to profit, the groomers are pushed beyond their comfort ability and required to groom more than they can handle, groom aggressive dogs, work at a fast pace, etc.. This creates a stressed out groomer that sometimes ends up hating their job and many are unable to quit because grooming is all they know. This stress is sensed by pets and causes an unpleasant experience and undesirable behaviors. 
I firmly believe that when the groomer and the pet parent work together, they can create a positive experience for the dog and lower stress levels during the grooming process. My goals are to provide your pet with the least stressful and most positive experience while building a trustful relationship with them and you. My services are geared towards the pet parent that wants the very best for their pet and not the client that is looking for a cheap groom or convenient location. If your still interested, please see requirements below.

  1. Prices listed are estimates ONLY.  Prices may increase with poor coat condition or behavior of pet. (such as matting, excessive filth, dog resisting grooming, ect) To see more about pricing, click here.

  2. First appointment will allow me to assess dogs needs, behavior and time involved in groom. This will determine your future price.  My prices are set by the time and energy involved in grooming your pet. Prices my be lower or higher in future, depending on change in hairstyle or behavior of pet. There are many ways to stay on the low end of the price and I'd be happy to discuss it with you. 

  3. Clients must understand I will not "FIGHT" a dog to get a completed groom. Clients are expected to prepare their dog for the grooming process if behavioral issues are present.I DO NOT GROOM AGGRESSIVE DOGS.

  4. I schedule my day according to appointments. Therefore, clients are expected to show up on time for appointments and are expected to be picked up on time. You will be given a 15 minute heads up prior to you dogs completed groom and you will need to pick up within 30 minutes of receiving that text. I do not offer daycare or boarding.

  5. A 24 hour notice is required to cancel or change appointment >>LESS THAN A 24 HR NOTICE WILL RESULT IN A NO SHOW FEE OF $25

  6. Your dog must be flea free before entering my property. Keeping them on a regular preventative is advised or you can administer capstar 1 hr prior to appointment, but you must make me aware of the fleas and carry you dog into the salon. They may not walk in my yard if fleas are present. 

  7. VACCINES…. I am not the vaccine police. What vaccines you give your dog should and is between you and your vet. Rabies is all I require. However, if your dog shows any signs of illness, such as coughing, diarrhea, or listlessness, please keep them home. 

  8. Make sure your furry friend has gone potty before coming to their appointment. This will reduce anxiety and stress during their appointment. If your dog leaves me a nice "gift" on my lawn, please know I do love gifts, but not this kind. Please bag it up and dispose of it in the outdoor bin I don't want it. lol 

  9. If you would like to stay with your pet, you may, BUT only if  your presence is not a distraction to your dog. I can not safely groom your pet if he/she is distracted. If that is the case, you will be asked to leave. 

  10. MATTED PETS!  I do not demat dogs past a few tangles. Should your pet be matted, they will be clipped as short as I can comforably get a blade through. I am not one to immediately shave a dog, but I will if I feel it is inhumane to demat. It is your responsibility to keep your pet brushed out. Should I have to shave your dog, I will be more than happy to discuss how to avoid this in the future to achieve your future hairstyle goals. 

  11. PAYMENTS  I accept cash, checks, debit/credit cards. There is a $30 fee on any retruned checks.  IF paying cash, make it exact change, I do not keep cash in salon so I can't make change.  When possible, PLEASE PAY WITH CASH OR CHECK TO AVOID PESKY FEES  


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